Thursday, June 30, 2011

Knowing is half the battle

So obviously there is allot of debate on what or how to learn. Constructionist, cognitivist, behavioralist. So which is right and which is hooey. Hmmmm. Well I personally believe that you learn the way that is best for you. There are too many variables to allow for any one theory to rule them all. We as people are complex and our lives, experiences and interactions are equally complex. Not to mention the culture differentiation of what is important and what is not. All of these aspects can, will and do affect learning and learners. So what we as ID's have to focus on , I believe, is what we are trying disseminate and then look at who we are passing that information too. For obvious reasons a high school student learns and assimilates informaton much more differently tha that of a undergrad, grad student or a professional needing training for heir job. All of this needs to be considered when putting together a program to make sure that the information is received and transmitted with the upmost effectiveness. Knowledge is indeed power, but obtaining that knowledge is where there needs to be an understanding that learning is as complex as the teaching process.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you and think it interesting how you brought in the cultural differences being a factor. Individuals including myself frequently overlook this area. The reason I think we tend to forget about cultural differences is that we get comfortable in our own subcultures and do not "typically" have a reason to look outside and consider others. It is a very good point to bring up and definitely one considered in the ID profession in my belief. You have posed a personal challenge to me without realizing.
